The Value of Religious Character Education, Biography Book, Prof. Dr. Ali Muhammad Ash-ShallabiAbstract
This research is motivated by one of the phenomena of the problem of Islamic education in Indonesia, namely the tendency for some of the younger generation of Muslims to now like to access content or reading that is less useful, resulting in some of them being mentally weak, lacking in morals, and who like to follow a hedonistic lifestyle (lifestyle). which focuses on seeking worldly pleasures and unlimited satisfaction) shows that Islamic religious character education in Indonesia has not succeeded in building an Islamic generation of Muslims. Umar bin Khattab's Biography Book by Prof. Dr. Ali Muhammad As-Shallabi is a historical biography book that has Islamic religious character values in it. The aim of this research is to identify the values of Islamic religious character education in the biography of Umar Bin Khattab by Prof. Dr. Ali Muhammad Ash-Shallabi. The type of research used in the research is literature study with data sources that include two types: primary data sources and secondary data, collected using documentation techniques and data analysis techniques using content analysis. The results of this study show that there are religious character education values in the biography of Umar bin Khattab by Prof. Dr. Ali Muhhammad Ash-Shallabi. The author found the values of religious character education in the biography of Umar bin Khattab by Prof. Dr. There are ten of Ali Muhammad Ash-Shallabi, among others: Obedient to Allah, Confident, Creative, Love of knowledge, and Honest. The religious character of being obedient to Allah in the biography of Umar Bin Khattab contains Umar's submissive and obedient attitude to Allah by trying to carry out His commands and staying away from His prohibitions; Umar bin Khattab's confident religious character in the book is shown by his courage in preaching and contributing ideas to the Muslim community, as well as not hesitating in doing something he believes he can do; Umar bin Khattab's creative religious character is demonstrated by Umar's creativity in presenting brilliant ideas regarding the benefit of the Muslims; The religious character of Umar bin Khattab's love of science is shown by his activities, which tend to be like attending science meetings, like discussing, like reading and writing; Umar bin Khattab's honest religious character in the book is shown by always saying and doing what he really is, saying what is right is right and saying what is wrong is wrong.
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