(Studi Kasus SDN 009 MAREDAN)


  • Dahlan Dahlan Sekolah Dasar Negeri 009 Maredan, Siak, Indonesia
  • Veni Sofia Sekolah Menengah Atas 4 Tualang, Siak, Indonesia
  • Syaiful Dinata Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 1 Kota Pekanbaru, Indonesia


Improving, Creative, Conflict


This paper aims to find out how to improve the application of a creative attitude in resolving conflicts in organisations (case study of SDN 009 Maredan). The research method used by the author is qualitative research with a library research approach. The data sources are books and scientific journals that discuss improving the application of a creative attitude in resolving conflicts in organisations (case study of SDN 009 Maredan). Based on the conclusion, Islam teaches that conflict is a part of life that can be resolved wisely through the principles taught in sharia, such as deliberation (shura), peace (islah), and reconciliation. Creativity in resolving conflict includes the ability to find innovative, fair, and peaceful solutions without having to harm any of the parties involved. Creative approaches based on Islamic teachings and applied at SDN 009 Maredan, such as involving joint activities, prioritising peace, and understanding differences through open communication, are not only effective in resolving disputes, but also have the potential to strengthen relationships and increase organisational productivity. Conflicts handled in the right way can be an opportunity for organisational innovation and growth. By applying Islamic principles that promote justice, balance, and compassion, conflicts can be resolved with solutions that are not only effective, but also beneficial to the welfare and continuity of the organisation. This creates a harmonious, productive work environment that is in line with religious and social values that support the creation of harmony and good cooperation within the organisation.


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Fauzi, “KONSEP HIDUP DAMAI DALAM ISLAM ( STUDI KRITIS SURAT AL- HUJURAT AYAT 9-10 ) The Concept of Peaceful Living in Islam ( Critical Study of Surat Al-Hujurat Verses 9-10 ).”

Julia Sari, “Hakekat, Dinamika Organisasi, Dan Fungsi Pemimpin Dan Kepemimpinan Pendidikan Islam.”

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How to Cite

Dahlan, D., Veni Sofia, & Syaiful Dinata. (2025). MENINGKATKAN PENERAPAN SIKAP KREATIF DALAM MENYELESAIKAN KONFLIK PADA ORGANISASI : (Studi Kasus SDN 009 MAREDAN). Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Dan Kearifan Lokal, 5(2), 335–344. Retrieved from