
  • Wista Rahayu Fakultas Tarbiyah Dan Ilmu Keguruan, UIN Sjech M. Djamil Djambek Bukittinggi, Indonesia
  • Syawaluddin Syawaluddin Fakultas Tarbiyah Dan Ilmu Keguruan, UIN Sjech M. Djamil Djambek Bukittinggi, Indonesia
  • Sri Wahyuni Fakultas Tarbiyah Dan Ilmu Keguruan, UIN Sjech M. Djamil Djambek Bukittinggi, Indonesia


Bullying, Group Guidance Services


This research begins with the phenomenon that occurs in students who carry out bullying behavior, such as students who like to bully weak students, students who mock themselves with harsh, impolite words, students who insult each other with students, people who are involved in  bullying, constant isolation.  The aim of this research is to determine the effectiveness of group guidance services in reducing bullying behavior at MTsN 3 Pariaman city.  This research uses a quantitative approach with a pre-experimental one group pre-test and post-test method.  The sample used in this research was 8 students.  The instrument used in this research is a measurement scale, namely a scale developed to measure student bullying behavior.  The data analysis technique uses the Wiloxon Rank Test.  The results obtained in this study were a pre-test score with a total score of 337 and a post-test score with a total score of 567, after the scale was introduced and the results were very effective because the hypothesis was accepted which showed an Aaymp.sig value of 0.012 less than 0.05 so there was  Differences in scores before and after implementing group guidance services to reduce bullying behavior in MTsN 3 Kota Pariaman students.


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How to Cite

Rahayu , W. ., Syawaluddin, S., & Wahyuni, S. . (2023). EFEKTIFITAS BIMBINGAN KELOMPOK DALAM MENGURANGI PERILAKU BULLYING DI MTsN 3 KOTA PARIAMAN. Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan Dan Kearifan Lokal, 3(6), 607–616. Retrieved from https://jipkl.com/index.php/JIPKL/article/view/91




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